Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Environmental Conservation - 2472 Words

A Room with a Viewpoint: Using Social Norms to Motivate Environmental Conservation In Hotels Research Evaluation By John E. Robinson 27 November 2009 A Room with a Viewpoint: Using Social Norms to Motivate Environmental Conservation In Hotels The authors of this article identified the efforts towards building the research conducted while attempting to theorize a study involving environmental conservation among hotel patrons and the reuse of towels. The purpose of this essay is to articulate whether the study provided a theoretical framework; relevant variables; a sufficient hypotheses; a research design; an adequate sized sample; properly sanctioned research; consistent means of data collection and data analysis; and a†¦show more content†¦The hypotheses was clearly stated and used to provide the initial theoretical framework. The hypothesis was also stimulated from an earlier study that stated that a larger hotel chain conducted a similar study using different variables with a common purpose. [ (Trochim, 2006) ] Even though the study indicated that there was a previous study conducted, this study did not provide any relevant feedback on the variables used or the specific findings of the earlier study. The earlier study could have provided more insight to differentiate or to provide similarities to justify the purpose of the newer study. The hypotheses was clear but there could have been more detail to support the background the generated the question. The question in its current state over-simplified the question and the purpose for the study. [ (Goldstein, 2008) ] The study provides a basic research design by incorporating the randomized-experiment and/or quasi-experiment. [ (Trochim, 2006) ] The study provided an experiment that identified a causal effect. In the first experiment, the towels were reused more by subjects who read the sign stating, â€Å"JOIN YOUR FELLOW GUESTS IN HELPING TO SAVE THE ENVIRONMENT†. In retrospect, the second experiment that used the sign stating, â₠¬Å"HELP SAVE THE ENVIRONMENT† did notShow MoreRelatedThe Conservation Of The Environmental Movement882 Words   |  4 PagesI decided to take action for the environmental movement because it is a big issue that impacts everyone. At first, my intent was to volunteer for an organization called â€Å"Fresh Roots†, but due to a scheduling conflict, I chose UBC Farm, which is no less essential in its impact in Vancouver’s sustainability. 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AccordingRead MoreThe And Environmental Energy Conservation2578 Words   |  11 Pagesneed to use it† those statements instilled in me an indelible dislike for wastage of any kind and to be considerate of other people’s needs like just my dad. These doctrines helped also helped to forge my interest in recycling and environmental energy conservation especially now as the demand for energy resources is growing at an alarming rate. Chevron PLC stated in an article that the world population currently around 7 billion is projected to grow by 1 billion in the ne xt isus12 years, especiallyRead MoreThe And Environmental Energy Conservation2791 Words   |  12 Pagesneed to use it† those statements instilled in me an indelible dislike for wastage of any kind and to be considerate of other people’s needs like just my dad. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Facebook IPO Example

Essays on Facebook IPO Essay Facebook IPO Facebook, the social networking giant, with over 800 million users and $3.8 billion in revenue last year is going public, most probably sometime between April and June of this year. (Cohan ,2012) There has been a lot of hype regarding this matter. The investors are speculating, the internet is bubbling with opinions and the news agencies are calling it the biggest IPO since Google. So what are the reasons behind Facebook going public? Because the company is doing well by financial standards with over $1.5 billion in profits last year the company itself is worth near $75 – 100 billion. (Swedroe ,2012) Mark Zuckerberg has been keen on keeping the company private i.e. owned by a limited number of shareholders only. But now the company has to go public, the reasons can be divided into 2 broad categories. Financial reasons Non Financial reasons Non Financial reasons Let’s talk about the non financial reasons first: 1. Regulations: First and foremost the SEC rules. The Securities and Exchange Commission ruled in 1964 that â€Å"Any private company with more than 500 ‘shareholders of record’ must adhere to the same financial disclosure requirements that public companies do.† Due to this legal issue Facebook now has to follow the similar financial scrutiny as a public company does. This in business terms is an additional cost with no additional benefit. It can be said that Facebook is going public because the number of shareholders which own the company went past 500 at the end of 2011. It is interesting to note that Facebook even lobbied to get this rule extended; increasing the number of shareholders to 2000 before such regulations apply. (Sloan ,2012) 2. Benefit for the employees: It is commonplace for tech start ups like Facebook to offer shares of the company to its employees as in incentive. Same was the case with Facebook until the number of its shareholders started increasing, and like it was mentioned above Mark Zuckerberg was not too keen to cross the 500 mark. (Syre ,2012) Therefore the company started offering restricted stocks which is only converted to common stock once the companies goes public. This was not a good sign for the employees who could now only get their stocks cashed when they leave the company, which was not a reasonable option for many. Hence the IPO would help in acquiring and retaining HR and also it would help them get the return for working and owning Facebook. (Sloan ,2012) Financial Reasons Coming to the financial reasons now, quite simply put it is for the money. The IPO is valued at $5 billion and can go up to $10 billion. Furthermore it would turn a 1000 or so shareholders into millionaires and increase the Mark Zuckerberg’s worth to $16 billion, who owns 28% stake in the company. Two major reasons why this additional cash is lucrative for Facebook are: 1. Competition with Google for internet dominance. 2. Acquisitions of different companies. Facebook’s competition with Google has now turned into a real deal. Google Inc. which has now started offering a variety of services as the company grew has now forayed into Facebook’s playing field that is of social networking with its Google Plus. Although a new player, Facebook has all the reasons to be worried. Google is now dominating the internet world by either offering or acquiring different services. They have the means, resources and the skills required to capture the social networking arena as well. Therefore an additional cash of at least $5 billion would give Facebook additional leverage required to tackle Google. They would be able to initiate projects that will protect its precious consumer base of 845 million users. Another important reason for Facebook going public to raise money is because the company has had a lot of cash out flows recently. In the last two years alone Facebook has acquired 15 companies. The total amount of cash that Facebook had to let go is undisclosed. But a rough estimate of the purchase price of 7 of the last 15 companies goes into the region of $150 Million. The amounts of the remaining 8 companies is undisclosed. Google on the other hand has $50 billion in cash to acquire small start ups. (Rushe and Chaudhuri ,2012) Hence the IPO would provide the company with the necessary room to maneuver in this war against Google. Advantages to Investors Retail investors Facebook’s IPO certainly is lucrative. It is an opportunity to be a part of a company that we all come in contact with everyday. And considering the track record of Facebook ever since it was launched 8 years ago, it might not even be a bad option. After all the company is now worth up to $100 billion in just eight years. But small retail investors may or may not be able to participate in the process. With now 31 banks involved in the underwriting process (Barr and Oreskovic ,2012) the chances of large corporations and high net worth individuals siphoning all the shares are high. With the IPO still at least 3 months away nothing can be said with certainty. But Facebook is a company similar to what Google was in 2004. And investors are certainly not forgetting the fact that the shares of Google which were purchased by retail investors initially at $85 hiked up to $580. So there is a lot to gain in case it is decided by the company to include the small investors. (Hamilton ,2012) Large Shareholders The large shareholder will have a lot to gain with the Facebook’s IPO. With 31 banks underwriting the process, their major clients would certainly be given a chance to take part in the proceedings. Also initially before the fillings of the S-1, it was believed that there would be prerequisites to be an eligible investor. First an annual salary of over $ 200,000 and your company’s annual income being in excess of $1 million. (Ramil ,2012) Other than the fact that Facebook employees, the banks and the initial shareholders would be making a lot of cash due to the IPO. Large financial institutions, private companies and wealthy individuals would get a chance to invest in a company where revenues grew at an annual rate of 127% between the years 2009 and 2011 and net profit being $1.5 billion last year. Bibliography Barr, Alistair and Alexei Oreskovic. Facebook adds 25 more underwriters for IPO. 7 March 2012. 12 March 2012 . Cohan, Peter. "Four Reasons Why Facebooks IPO is Irrelevant." Forbes (2012). Hamilton, Walter. "Small investors may have chance to get shares of Facebook IPO." LA Times (2012). Ramil. Investing in Facebook IPO Stock Options. 6 February 2012. 12 March 2012 . Rushe, Dominic and Saabira Chaudhuri. "Facebook IPO: six things you need to know." 31 January 2012. theguardian. 12 March 12 . Sloan, Paul. "CNET." 31 January 2012. CNET News. 12 March 2012 . Swedroe, Larry. "Why Facebooks IPO shouldnt excite you." 1 February 2012. CBS News. 11 March 2012 . Syre, Steven. "Facebook’s IPO issues." Boston Articles (2012).

Monday, December 9, 2019

Australian Manager in Chinese Market

Question: Discuss about the Australian Manager in Chinese Market. Answer: Introduction The aim of the essay is to assess and compare the western mangers and the eastern managers against the six models by Hopstede. The managers from the eastern nations like China give a lot of importance to wellbeing of all. The managers from the western countries like Australia stress more on individual achievement and show of feelings. Hopstede calls this eastern attitude collectivism while the western outlook is called individualism. Firstly the easy contrasts between the western and the eastern managers on the grounds of individualism and collectivism. The next section will be assess the power of the Chinese collectivism in building long term relationships. The last section is to compare between the two groups of managers. The three paragraphs are three sections which are divided into three aspects. The first aspect deals with Chinese collectivism, the second aspect deals with individualism while the third aspects speak about the adoption of the collectivism by the Australian manage r. The paragraphs have opinions which contradict on the grounds of the two aspects. The manager from Australia is a member of the western society who wants to operate in China. The managers in the western countries stress more on individualism and on individual efforts. They pay a lot attention on individual effort in corporate spaces and want to measure results quantitatively. The eastern managers like the ones from China pay a lot importance to corporate loyalty and believe in unity of work. The eastern managers believe in collectivism and stress on quality of work and relationships (Sanders, 2014). Allen, Diefendorff Ma (2014) in their work show that the nations like the United States and Australia promote individualism in the work place. They look upon expressions as individual rights and encourage free personal communication. The eastern countries like China usually pay more importance to group emotions than individual emotions. Goodrich De (2014) argue that the western countries in this give more freedom of expressions to their managers that then eastern cou nter. The Australian manager being a westerner will be able to express himself freely which will allow him to build relationship and make friends with people. Guan et al, (2015) in their work showed that the Chinese are better decision makers compared to their American counterparts owing to greater capacity to compromise and arrive at common points. Akkawanitcha et al. (2015) in their work shows that the Australian manager need to develop skills and emotional intelligence to adopt the Chinese managerial tradition upholding collectivism. He must master the skill of compromising with other members in order to arrive at decisions. The Chinese managers are more successful because they pay more importance to the feelings of others. This minimizes the scope of inter person conflict. These collective skills provide ground for understanding the need of the corporate groups like the departments, work teams which comprise several individuals. The individualistic tendencies of the western mana gers encourage their employees to assert their personal needs and ambitions. These needs and ideas may contradict each other and create rift between the team members. The conflict will hamper the productivity and efficiency of the team members. The collectivism practiced by the Chinese helps the employees or team members to arrive at a decision. This culture of the Chinese respects the goal of the teams and departments. The Chinese managers pay more emphasis on achievement of group or organizational goals over individual ambitions. This minimizes egos and conflicts among the team members or departments. This increases the efficiency of the teams and departments which leads to achievement of organizational goals. The Chinese organizations are among the biggest organizations in the world today. This collectivism of the Chinese have brought about economic boom in China and the nation is considered to be one among the future economic giants in the world. Hiew et al., (2015) point out in their work the difference between the mood and emotions of the easterners like Chinese and the westerners like Americans. They point out that the Chinese follow collectivism while the Americans follow individualism. They have shown that the Chinese are more open to advices from their family members and consider them important. The participation of the family members forms the basis of strong marital and other relationship the Chinese share and cherish. Kato (2014) however in his work stated just the opposite about the two groups of people. The study showed that the Australian managers give more importance to individual emotions, comforts, pain and so on. This has led Australia to accept the people from the eastern countries like Taiwan into their population. The Australian managers owing to their short term relationship building capacity can work with people from diverse cultures. The individualistic culture of the Australians helps them to understand the emotions and moods of employees from several countries. This factor can be attributed for the success of the Australian companies entering emerging markets like Asia and Africa. Li Nesbit (2014) in their work argue that the Chinese managers, compared to their western counterparts value human resource more. The Chinese managers who work in American or European multinational companies have profound effect on the HRM because they value long term relationship. Arpaci Balo?lu (2016) in their work opine that considering the capability of the Chinese to build long trem relationship, the Australian managers should learn to accept and adopt collectivism. They as a result will be able to connect to their employees emotionally and building term relationship. The Australian manager will be able to build long term relationship with his subordinates. This will result in longer retention of the employees that will decrease the employee turnover in his departments. Thus Chinese collectivism will make the Australian manager accomplish the goals well ahead of deadline because he will be able to plan his strategies well ahead of time. Haffar et al., (2016) in their work show that Western managers reveal masculine emotions whereas eastern managers show feminine qualities. This difference can be attributed to the fact that the western countries like Australia encourage personal show of feelings, success and achievement. The Chinese look down on personal assertment of feelings and achievement. Barry III (2015) in his work Journals of Cross Culture Psychology reveals that individualism and masculinity are closely related. The work proposed that Australians give a lot of importance to individualism. They encourage achievement, physical show of success and competitiveness. These traits by large are considered being masculine and the people following them pay more importance to their immediate family members and close realtives. Baptista Oliveira, (2015) propose that the Chinese pay more respect to feelings like caring for family, concern for the weak, cooperation, modesty and quality of every life. The authors further emphasize that the Chinese are more concerned with the happiness of their families, relatives and even indirect relatives. These feminine feelings have helped the Chinese managers to build more long term relationships with their subordinates. Bain Bongiorno, (2015) in their work opine that the Australian managers must exhibit feminine qualities like caring for others over themselves. The authors argue that the feminine emotions exhibited by the Chinese create strong bonds between people. The Australian manager will be able to create more lasting relationship with his employees based on trust, care and consideration. Lack of care and concern for subordinates and the group goals result in conflict and lack of unity. The Chinese sentiments give more importance to group objectives over personal objectives. Thus, on embracing the Chinese sentiments the Australian manager will start caring for his relatives, the society and the nation. This will encourage him to make sustainable strategi es to accomplish the corporate goals. The manager will be able to produce eco friendly goods which will help to reduce pollution in the environment. This will help him to benefit the society which will in turn win him social and customer support. Thus, feminine emotions can be adopted and used in the western and also in the eastern markets to accomplish business goals. The Chinese approach will also inspire the western world to care more about the society and the environment and operate in eco friendly ways. This will help the nations and companies to reduce their carbon foot prints on the erath. They will be able to conserve the precious natural resources of the nations that can be used in further economic development. Thus, managers using Chinese collectivism can conserve resources for the emerging markets. The first challenge the Australian manager faces is accepting Chinese system of collectivism and accepts qualities like compromising. The Chinese manager must accept feelings of care and concern for the subordinates and even the society. The next challenge the Australian manager faces that he accepts Chinese virtues to build relationships with the employees. The final challenge makes the Australin manager accept feminist qualities like care to work in China. The assignment also shows that Chinese feelings for welfare of all helps to boost companies, take economies forwards and help markets emerge. References: Akkawanitcha, C., Patterson, P., Buranapin, S., Kantabutra, S. (2015). Frontline employees cognitive appraisals and well-being in the face of customer aggression in an Eastern, collectivist culture.Journal of Services Marketing,29(4), 268-279. Allen, J. A., Diefendorff, J. M., Ma, Y. (2014). Differences in emotional labor across cultures: A comparison of Chinese and US service workers.Journal of Business and Psychology,29(1), 21-35. Arpaci, I., Balo?lu, M. (2016). The impact of cultural collectivism on knowledge sharing among information technology majoring undergraduates.Computers in Human Behavior,56, 65-71. Bain, P. G., Bongiorno, R. (2015). Are Individualism and Masculinity Related When Controlling for Regional Proximity? A Reappraisal of Barry (2015).Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology,46(9), 1226-1231. Baptista, G., Oliveira, T. (2015). Understanding mobile banking: The unified theory of acceptance and use of technology combined with cultural moderators.Computers in Human Behavior,50, 418-430. Barry III, H. (2015). Proximity of paired nations reveals correlation of masculinity with individualism.Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology,46(2), 290-295. Goodrich, K., De Mooij, M. (2014). How socialare social media? A cross-cultural comparison of online and offline purchase decision influences.Journal of Marketing Communications,20(1-2), 103-116. Guan, Y., Chen, S. X., Levin, N., Bond, M. H., Luo, N., Xu, J., ... Zhang, J. (2015). Differences in career decision-making profiles between American and Chinese university students: The relative strength of mediating mechanisms across cultures.Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology,46(6), 856-872. Haffar, M., Enongene, L. N., Hamdan, M., Gbadamosi, G. (2016). The Influence of National Culture on Consumer Buying Behaviour: An Exploratory Study of Nigerian and British Consumers.World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Social, Behavioral, Educational, Economic, Business and Industrial Engineering,10(8), 2962-2967. Hiew, D. N., Halford, W. K., van de Vijver, F. J., Liu, S. (2015). Relationship standards and satisfaction in Chinese, Western, and intercultural ChineseWestern couples in Australia.Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology,46(5), 684-701. Kato, T. (2014). Relationship between coping with interpersonal stressors and depressive symptoms in the United States, Australia, and China: a focus on reassessing coping.PloS one,9(10), e109644. Li, S., Nesbit, P. L. (2014). An exploration of the HRM values of Chinese managers working in Western multinational enterprises in China: Implications for HR practice.The International Journal of Human Resource Management,25(11), 1529-1546. Sanders, E. (2014). An American Expatriate in China: Evidence of Organizational Culture Crossvergence.Journal of Management Policy and Practice,15(3), 58.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Should athletes be allowed to take performance enhancing drugs free essay sample

Introduction In sports, the competitive drive to win can be very intensive between athletes. Winning in the game usually brings rewards to athletes both financially and psychologically. Such temptations and the consecutive pressures faced by athletes to excel in the sporting events, attempts to achieve a rival edge especially when the application of performance enhancing drugs by athletes in sports activities has becoming a new trend and relatively common. Performance enhancing drugs are used so athletes could achieve better results with least efforts, even as their health and their athletic careers will be placed in danger. That explains why athletes, sports people and body builders turn to performanc enhancing drugs. What are performance enhancing drugs? The use of performance enhancing drugs by athletes has become a common phenomenon since 1960s. But what are performance-enhancing drugs? Performance enhancing drugs are actually chemical substances that can be consumed in the forms of injection, ingestion, inhalation or application to the skin directly to enhance athletic performances in shorter time. We will write a custom essay sample on Should athletes be allowed to take performance enhancing drugs? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Performance enhancing drugs can be further classified into lean mass builders, stimulants, relaxants, masking agents, blood boosters and diuretics. These drugs are used for different reasons, including muscle mass building up, pain masking, increasing oxygen delivery, stress relieving, and weight losing. The most common performance-enhancing drugs used by athletes is anabolic steroids. Based on a statistics, approximately 1 to 3 million people in the United States have admitted that they have taken the advantages of anabolic steroids, one of the common performance enhancing drugs, usage degree beteem young men 12% and only 2% of young women have used anabolic steroids. The question raised is should athletes be allowed to use performance enhancing drugs. Anabolic steroids Anabolic steroids which also known as anabolic androgenic steroids are one of synthetically derivatives for testosterone, natural sexual hormone in males. â€Å"Anabolic† refers to muscle-building, and also the growth of bone and red blood cells while â€Å"androgenic† refers to developments in primary and  secondary sexual characteristics. Anabolic steroids work by stimulating enzymes which produce proteins in skeletal muscles. Not only that, hormone cortisol that involved in muscle tissues breakdown will be blocked by anabolic steroids and thus existing muscles are degraded at a slower rate during and after intense strength training. Anabolic steroids are normally used to enhance athletic performance, boost muscle strength, increase lean muscle mass, as well as body weights and speed up recovery from injuries. How do the anabolic steroids work in human body? Steroid hormones are fat-soluble; they will first penetrate the cell membrane of the target cell and bind to the steroid receptor in the cytoplasm. Once the steroid-receptor complex is formed, it will travel into the nucleus and bind called DNA regulatory site on the chromatin. The steroid hormone-receptor complex formed will then undergo transcription process and produce messenger RNA (mRNA) molecules. The mRNA molecules are modified and exported to the cytoplasm and signal DNA for protein synthesis. Adverse effects of anabolic steroids Anabolic steroids are either taken orally or directly injection into muscles intramuscularly) or blood streams (intravenously) . There are some creams or gels that can be applied on to the skin. In attempt to boost effectiveness of anabolic steroids, doses taken by the athletes or body builders may be 10 to 100 times higher than the recommend doses for medical uses, this condition is commonly known as anabolic steroids abusing. There is no perfect drug that has ever existed in this world. Same goes to anabolic steroids. Overdose of anabolic steroids for illegal uses in sports is associated with severe side effects and irreversible damage to various human body systems. A reviewed document states that at least 165 cases of anabolic steroids abuse or dependence. Misuse of anabolic steroids affect both physically and psychologically. According to Brower, withdrawal symptoms might be developed in the individuals who stop taking anabolic steroids after they have taken excessive amount of anabolic steroids over sustained period. The symptoms included mood swings, insomnia, depressed mood, reduced libido, anorexia, weight loss, and even suicidal thoughts. Despite of these behavioral changes, others common adverse effects of anabolic steroids are  liver failure, endocrine dysfunction, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis, and difficulties in blood clotting. For men, they may experience gynecomastia (breast development and enlargement), reduced fertility, shrunken testes, decreasing in sperm amount, decreased production of testosterone, development of prostate cancer due to the enlargement of the gland, and baldness, and masculinization in women and children. In women, excessive anabolic steroids will lead to breast reduction, swollen clitoris, masculinization, deepen voice, growth of body and facia l hair, menstrual disruption and also increased risk of birth defects. Adverse effects of anabolic steroids that exert on liver Let’s go further details into how anabolic steroids affect liver and cardiovascular. Adverse effects of anabolic steroids that exert on the liver are specifically associated with orally administered anabolic steroids which consisit of a 17 alpha alkylated group. The C17 alpha alkylated anabolic steroids which taken orally are linked with liver toxicity. The liver is the largest organ of the body which responsible for filtration of blood and act as a storage for certain minerals and vitamins. Besides, the liver also produces bile for food digestion. Excessive anabolic steroids that are taken orally can result in a decreased hepatic excretory function (ability to clear the waste products from blood) as the anabolic steroids cannot be easily metabolized in the liver. Furthermore, anabolic steroid abusers might develop other hepatic diseases such as hepatic cholestasis, hepatic peliosis and hepatocellular adenomas. Hepatic cholestasis is caused by the leaking of bile into blood stream and it is reflected by itching, hepatocellular jaundice (a yellowing of the skin and eyes), nausea, dark urine, and hepatic peliosis. The disease hepatic peliosis is a life threatening condition where the cystic degeneration of liver occurs and development of blood filled cysts. They are risky as the rupturing of cysts can cause fatal bleeding in liver. Hepatocellular adenomas are mostly caused by anabolic steroids which carry a 17 alpha alkylated group. Usually, the liver tumors are not cancerous and are developed after stop taking anabolic steroids. Other than that, concentration of liver enzymes such as aspartate aminotransferase (AST), and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) will be elevated by the excessive use of anabolic steroids and thus the plasma activity will be increased as  well. When these enzymes are present in high concentrations in hepatocytes will cause inflammation and hepatocellular damage to the liver cells. Adverse effects of anabolic steroids that exert on cardiovascular system The abuse of anabolic steroids maybe cause deleterious side effects on cardiovascular system. For example, heart strokes, atherosclerosis, increased heart rate, hypertension, changes in cholesterol levels, decreased level of good cholesterol or commonly known as high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and increased level of bad cholesterol or so-called low-density lipoprotein (LDL). The increased LDL level will lead to atherosclerosis (thickening of blood arteries by fat deposits (plaques) as it fails to remove fat deposits from arteries so the plagues built up on the walls of arteries causing the decreasing in diameter of arteries. Thus the amount of blood flow through the arteries is decreased and users are at a extremely high risk to develop heart attack or strokes. There are congestive heart failure and irregular heart beat which is more probably related to the androgens, especially those aromatase resistance. In my opinion, there is no point when an athlete wins everything from the games included fame, popularity, personal satisfaction, and also financial rewards but they have no life to enjoy them. Since the use of anabolic steroids will cause serious adverse effects and irreversible damage to human’s body so the use of performance enhancing drugs should be completely blocked in the sports and athletes who used banned performance enhancing drugs should be given more strictly punishments or erase their records, awards and statistics to ensure the cleanliness and fairness of the sport hence the spirit of sport could be retained. Conclusion In a nutshell, the damages to human body systems such as endocrine, cardiovascular, reproductive, hepatic, and behavioral that come along with anabolic steroids are irreversible and lethal. Athletes’ healths are at risk when they take high dosages of anabolic steroids and yet there is no perfect and safest drug has been synthesized so use of the performance enhancing drugs. There must be some reasons that performance enhancing drugs are banned in any sport games, despite of health issues of athletes, there are ethical issues as well. The purposes of organizing a sports are provide a  mean for athletes to show their talents and their results from training hard, improve their physical skills and also abilities as well as entertain themselves. Doping in sports is like cheating in exams, some people argue that athletes should be allowed to use performance enhancing drugs as the limits of human performance has reached few years ago, the record could not be beaten if there is no allowance of the use of performance enhancing drugs. Purpose of the sports actually goes the same with exams, both of them want to test human’s abilities and skills. Cheating makes everyone exactly the same and there is pointless to conduct activities like sports and exams anymore. In short, athletes should not be allowed to use performance enhancing drugs including those are not banned by World Anti-Doping Agency.