Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Storm Drainage Design Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Tempest Drainage Design Project - Essay Example ertical hub utilizing various scales, however their level directions are the equivalent dependent on hourly readings from the 12 PM of October 12 to 11:00 at night of October 15, 1998. Precipitation information was plotted utilizing millimeters (mm) and the given perceptions were utilized with no guarantees. Then again, stream information, which is typically plotted as a release in a unit of volume against time (cubic meters every second or liters every second) is drawn as a component of the given waterway width (B) and the speed (V) of stream of the stream (since release is a result of zone and water stream speed for this situation) every hour of perception. The most elevated point (top) of the blue line diagram is 0.658 meter-BV every hour. The scale utilized was 1 x 10-1 m, with the end goal that 0.658 is spoken to as 6.58 x 10-1 m. This ought to clarify why the most noteworthy number in the vertical pivot is 7. It might be gathered from Figure 3 that in spite of the fact that perceptions were plotted each hour, the clocks were introduced like clockwork because of space restrictions.). In any case, the information were investigated utilizing the first qualities and units of the waterway level every hour of perception. Before the precipitation in 4:00 on October 13, the normal perusing of the waterway range from the beginning of given perceptions for 28 successive hourly readings is 0.262 mm. This will be the premise of the base stream. Following seven hours of precipitation, the primary pinnacle was seen at 11:00 of October 13 with a stature of 1.2 mm. This denotes the commencement of the rising appendage of the waterway flood where the tallness of the stream additionally began to rise contrasted with base stream. The precipitation information had twin tops, with the subsequent pinnacle happening at 21:00 of October or 10 hours after the principal precipitation top was watched. At 9:00 of October 14, 12 hours after the second pinnacle of the precipitation, the pinnacle stream of the waterway was recorded at 0.658 m. The measure of time for the pinnacle stream to return back to base stream or base stream time is 46 hours. A few components which impact the qualities of

Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Necklace Compared To The Star Essay Example For Students

The Necklace Compared To The Star Essay The Necklace Compared To The Star Essay The story The Star, which was written in 1970s, is attempting to state that we have to comprehend reality of our destiny instead of put on blinders and quit denying everything else that we dont need to see. In the story The Necklace composed by Guy De Maupassant the lady worked herself deep down for a long time attempting to take care of the obligation used to pay for the accessory she lost at the ball. The lady in this story is a poor beautiful lady who thought she merited a superior life than one that she previously had. The principle character in this story is a lady named Louis, the little girl of basic common laborers man. The two stories incorporate a sub topic of an expectation for a superior life, in which all men were made equivalent and all the monstrous shameful acts on the planet would stop to exist. We will compose a custom paper on The Necklace Compared To The Star explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now In any case, the chilly hard truth is that we people have this inborn feeling of confidence, which obstructs our speculation for the real world, on the grounds that without it we would have no explanation behind living. On account of the lady in the story The accessory the item being the jewelry which she in the long run loses and attempts to supplant. Rather than concealing reality and recognizing the cold hard reality, which was more diligently, to take than when she lied. The familiar proverb which says, What a tangled web weave when we first begin to mislead. We people cannot deal with reality. We think we recognize what is reality. What that truly is simply horse crap. Its presumption pulling pranks on our brains making us think we are in charge of our lives. In the event that we truly were in charge of our lives, at that point why cant we control each and every part of it that gives distress? Since we cant, since we dont know how, and in the end reality will show that is we dont what reality truly is. Utilizing the dangerous slant rationale one can reason that the two stories are more comparative than they are unique but since the current task requires for me to investigate in an illustrative way then I surmise I should begin. In the story the Star the setting is on a rocket transport with space travelers and the setting in the neckband is old France in the late 1970s. The Star is a sci-fi story while the jewelry is an illustrative story. In the accessory the story is told from the third individuals perspective contrasted with the Stars perspective is in the main individual. The neckband talks about the social classes qualification in detail while in the star is depicts the Astrology in detail. The individual who composed the accessory was French was illustrative the creator of the star was plainly American. The fundamental focal point of the story depends on the significance of having cash while the star is about natural selection. The likenesses in the two stories incorporate that both arrangement with subject of expectation. One is progressively realistic in the record of endurance as depicted in the star however the subtleties in how the young lady needed to buckle down in how each detail in her work day was appeared through words was illustrative. Both arrangement with the issue of falsification that carrying on with a specific life would bring genuine joy, which in both case should that it didnt. The bleak setting Star is interestingly with the greatness at which the Necklace is played out. The bogus expectation that we control our own fate is both confounded by everybody. That is the reason these two stories, which are around two distinct subjects, appear to have a similar impact on an individual, which is melancholy. .

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Soothing Words About Deadlines From Joanne Cummings

Soothing Words About Deadlines From Joanne Cummings This is the time of year in which people start worrying a great deal about deadlines. Rather than give you my own dont panic advice, I thought Id give you the words straight from Joanne, who oversees our entire process from the moment your application arrives at MIT through the mailing of admissions decision letters. Joanne writes: Having worked in the admissions office for a million years, currently serving as the director of the freshman process (as well as Evies mom), let me share with you some wisdom surrounding deadlines and missing application pieces. Let me say right off, dont panic! A decision on your application will not be made if we do not have enough information. While it is important to file your Part 1 in a timely manner (as close to November 1 as possible), materials received after that date are accepted and will catch up to your file. Around the deadline, our office assistants are processing, with tremendous care, thousands of pieces of mail a day. Between the US mail and processing delays, please be patient and allow two weeks, from the time you think something was mailed, for the tracking system to be accurate. If on November 14th the tracking system still shows missing items, fax the materials to 617-258-8304. Again, be patient, as faxed materials take a day or two to process. As you know, November tests are acceptable for Early Action, but the scores will not reach us until late November. If by December 1, the tracking system doesnt reflect your test history, fax your score report to the aforementioned number. Easy for me to say relax, I know but truly, materials received a week or two after the deadline will be reviewed and will not make or break an admissions decision. Rest assured we have your best interests at heart and will treat your case with great care. While were on the topic, let me clarify something I said on the road about December test scores and Early Action. I mentioned that the November 1 application deadline doesnt apply to scores, as we begin selection committee around December 7th, and any scores we have at that time will be considered. While this is true, Id optimistically thought that scores from the December 1 testing date might be able to reach us in time, but Ive been told recently by the data entry folks that the testing service traditionally cant turn things around that quickly. So unfortunately, it sounds like my hope that scores from the December 1 tests would reach us in time for EA selection committee was a bit too optimistic. If we are missing required scores at the time of EA selection, well simply defer an applicant to Regular Action (with no penalty, of course) and consider him/her at that time, once the scores have reached us.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

The Scarlet Letter and Hester - 5407 Words

A CHAPTER-BY-CHAPTER READING GUIDE FOR THE SCARLET LETTER A 1636 Plymouth Colony law required anyone convicted of adultery to wear two Capital letters viz AD cut out in cloth and sowed on theire uppermost Garments on their arme or backe; and if att any time they shallbee taken without the said letters whiles they are in the Govrment soewarn to bee forthwith taken and publickly whipt.[1] Other Massachusetts colonies had their own versions of this law. In fact, The Capitall Lawes of New-England, as they stand now in force in the Common-wealth, by the Court, in the years 1641, 1642, established within the jurisdiction of Massachusetts, proclaim that if any person committeth adultery with a married or espoused wife, the†¦show more content†¦Why does he want her to live? 4. Upon whom does Chillingworth put the blame for Hesters sin? How much is her fault? How much is his own? 5. How much revenge does Chillingworth plan to get on Hester? (A particular line in their conversation tells us exactly.) Who is the real object of Chillingworths revenge? 6. The paragraph beginning Never, sayest thou? if read well, can reveal exactly what kind of person Chillingworth is. Read it with a touch of villainy in thy voice and thou must needs quake with fearfulness at the plan this mis-shapen scholar. (Do you see how easy it is to get carried away?) 7. Hester says something interesting about how a persons words may lead to one interpretation of his character and his actions may lead to another. How do Chillingworths words present him? His actions? 8. What request does Chillingworth make of Hester? What is his reason? Chapter 5—Hester at Her Needle How does Hester feel upon leaving prison? What does the future have in store for her? You might wonder why Hester doesnt leave Boston, since it is only in Boston that she must wear the scarlet letter. What are her reasons? Be sure not to overlook the most important of them. What features of Hesters home seem most appropriate? How does Hester make a living? In what ironic way does she advertise her skills? 5. Who were the only ones who made no use of Hesters services? Why? 6. What does Hester do with the extraShow MoreRelatedHester Prynne : The Scarlet Letter841 Words   |  4 PagesJessica Alvarez Period 3 Ap English Lit. Hester Prynne: The Scarlet Letter In the Scarlet Letter, Hester Prynne is committed of adultery and has a baby as a result. Throughout the story she refuses to give the name of her lover, Reverend Dimmesdale. Temptation got the best of both of them and a child was created, Pearl. Although Hester was married to Roger Chillingworth from the beginning, she felt no love since he left her in New England. The main traits Hester displays are: proudness, honesty, andRead MoreLetter And Symbols In Hester Prynnes The Scarlet Letter963 Words   |  4 Pagesintroducing Hester Prynnes young daughter, Pearl. The elaborate language can cause confusion and the sentences seem drawn out, but the author manages to tell the horrid story of a woman shunned because she committed adultery beautifully. There are many symbols in the novel. The most obvious one being the letter itself. While the letter clearly represents the sin Hester committed, it later begins to represent a persons ability to change the meaning behind a terrible mishap. The scarlet letter is so beautifullyRead MoreHester Prynne In The Scarlet Letter Essay906 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å"On the Scarlet Letter,† criticizes Nathaniel Hawthorne’s portrayal of Hester Prynne in The Scarlet Letter. Lawrence finds fault in how Hester’s sin of adultery is glorified in the novel. D.H. Lawrence argues that Hawthorne mischaracterizes Hester Prynne as a heroine by using choppy syntax, biblical allusions, and a sarcastic tone. One rhetorical device Lawrence effectively uses to argue that Hester is mischaracterized as a heroine is choppy syntax. This is evident when Lawrence mocks Hester by accusingRead MoreComparing The Scarlet Letter By Hester Prynne853 Words   |  4 Pages From sex addict to anger issues and everything in between we all have our faults. Hester Prynne`s, well she was an adulterer. Yet, what makes her fault unique is that she was forced to expose this truth to the entire world, through the Scarlet Letter exposed on her chest and the child beared through her adulterous relationship. As an a experiment the majority of the junior class was presented the challenge to present their faults to the public. While most accepted the challenge, others denied themselvesRead MoreQuestions On Hester s Scarlet Letter985 Words   |  4 PagesHester’s wearing of the scarlet letter differs from Dimmesdale’s struggling? In The Scarlet Letter, Hester wears the scarlet letter as a sign of shame for committing adultery when her husband was lost at sea. By wearing the scarlet letter, Hester shows that she accepts the sin that she has committed. Even after Chillingworth allows Hester to remove the scarlet letter, Hester still wears the scarlet letter. By continuing to wear the scarlet letter, Hester accepts the scarlet letter as her reminder of herRead MoreA Summary Of Hester Prynnes The Scarlet Letter1135 Words   |  5 PagesThe Scarlet Letter is solely revolved around this red letter that the main character Hester wears. The letter â€Å"A† that is pinned to Hester Prynne originally stands for adultery, but as Hester becomes more involved in the community, much of the town forgets Hesters original crimes and claims that it stands for angel instead. Everyone has their own take on Hester and her letter. The letter â€Å"A† has different connotations for different characters and evolves th rough the novel. The Scarlet Letter isRead MoreSummary Of The Scarlet Letter By Hester Prynne882 Words   |  4 PagesThe moment Hester Prynne walked out of the prison door wearing that scarlet letter, she was doomed to be labeled as an Adulterer for the rest of her life. Because of this, the reader associates Hester with the letter A which originally means adulterer. Up until chapter 13, titled â€Å"Another View of Hester,† our protagonist, Hester, was thrown into this box labeled adulterer, where people would stand on the outside, looking down on her from their pedestal of puritan purity. Even the young children ofRead MoreThe Character Of Hester Prynne In The Scarlet Letter782 Words   |  4 PagesHester Prynne is the main character in The Scarlet Letter because she has the most internal and external change, and she has the most strength in the story. In the book The Scarlet letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne, there are four characters that are most seen in the story; Dimmesdale, Chillingworth, Hester, and Pearl but I think Hester is the most important. Hester is the most important because of her internal and external changes and she remains strong throughout the story. Hester is physically describedRead MoreAnalysis Of Hester s The Scarlet Letter 1874 Words   |  8 Pagesironically people may not even recognize their differences. Hester, at a glance suffers from a literal scarlet letter, but an imprint on her brain may exist as well. Irrational actions, sudden emotional episodes, and destructive thoughts can only prevail for so long following sin; Hester’s persona has branches of self-defeating personality disorder, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder. No one of her time, however, will bring the issue to light, Hester will be left known as the mistress, a witch, or â€Å"A,†Read MoreAnalysis Of The Scarlet Letter By Hester Prynne1930 Words   |  8 Pagesacknowledged that Hester and Dimmesdale have committed a crime together. It also shows us that after her encounter with Dimmesdale on the scaffold, Hester sees that she must help him. She is acknowledging that he can not live with the crime in the same way that she can. â€Å"They said that it meant Able; so strong was Hester Prynne, with a woman s strength.† This quote is very important to the book as it explains that the town’s perception of Hester is changing. It displays to us that the letter rather than

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

A Brief Note On The System Safety Engineering - 2272 Words

ENGG7020 System Safety Engineering Assignment3: Literature Review Author Lixing Liang Student ID 44109989 Data October 18, 2016 Contents Introduction 3 Analysis techniques 3 SWIFT 3 Concept of SWIFT 3 Suitable situations 4 Application of SWIFT 4 FMEDA 5 Concept of FMEDA 5 Suitable situations 6 Application of FMEDA 6 THERP 6 Concept of THERP 6 Suitable situations 7 Application of THERP 8 Conclusion 9 Reference 10 Introduction: In this review, three different analysis techniques will be discussed, including Structured What If Technique (SWIFT), Failure Modes, Effects, and Diagnostic Analysis (FMEDA) and Technique for Human Error-rate Prediction (THERP). Each of them will be discussed in three aspects (concept, suitable situations and application). Analysis techniques: SWIFT: Concept of SWIFT: As a technique of risk identification, SWIFT is flexible and focus on high level. It can be run alone, or as a portion of a staged method to achieve more efficient use of bottom-up methods like FMEA (Failure Modes and Effects Analysis) [1]. By concentrating on high-level procedures, SWIFT can often be conducted more rapidly than more detail-oriented approaches. In fact, an industrial case showed that a SWIFT risk assessment could be conducted in as little as one-third of the time required for a HAZOP (Hazard and Operability study)-based approach [1], a result that was replicated in a study comparing SWIFT to HFMEA (Healthcare Failure Modes and Effects Analysis) in aShow MoreRelatedThe Goal Of Implementing Both Programs Is To Minimize Process1303 Words   |  6 Pagesincidents by evaluating the whole process of our operations to identify and mitigate process safety hazards. STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT The recommendation for change was based on our founding principles and three core values which are: Integrity: Doing the right thing, and we will not take the easy way out. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Administrative Management Critical Analysis Free Essays

Adam Bartoshesky November 17, 2012 MAN 3025 Writing Assignment #4 Critical Analysis The University of North Florida’s Academic Integrity Code gives students and faculty members in-depth descriptions of what exactly the code is, the ways in which the code can be broken, and the actions and consequences which result from breaking it. The code’s purpose is, â€Å"to protect the integrity of the teaching and learning process† (â€Å"Academic integrity code,†). This document lacks a persuasive tone and thus is essentially free from any biases. We will write a custom essay sample on Administrative Management Critical Analysis or any similar topic only for you Order Now It uses strong language and concision in order to outline what students and faculty members should do in an instance of academic dishonesty. The code’s unbiased nature and clarity combine to make it a reliable document that can be referred to by both UNF students and faculty members in order to maintain foster learning. UNF’s Academic Integrity Code’s strengths are its detail and clarity, its openness, and its good intentions. It is impossible for the document to better explain the overall process of cheating, how it is handled, and the appeal process. Another strong point of the code is that it gives the student’s teacher freedom in how they want to handle the situation. There are five different forms of apprehension listed in the code that the teacher can choose from which range in seriousness. The teacher can do anything from lower the student’s grade for the single exercise they broke the academic code on, to giving the student an unforgivable ‘F’ for the course. It is evident that a third strength of the document is that its sole purpose is to create a better teaching and learning environment. UNF has not established this code in order to reprimand students, but rather to enhance their education by clearly stating what they should avoid while enrolled at UNF. Although the Academic Integrity Code has many strengths, it also has weakness. The main weakness that I located in the code is that the overall process of reprimanding and appealing academic dishonesty can be time consuming. There are numerous steps that each have an allotted amount of days to be completed. Also read: Advantages and Disadvantages of Administrative Management These steps include the student appealing the teacher’s initial actions, and then waiting for a new faculty member to review it and come to a new conclusion; in which case the student can appeal it once more. This process can continue up the UNF administration hierarchy until the case finally reaches the UNF President. The president has the final say in the matter. If each step is taken and the maximum amount of days to complete each step is used, the case can be under review for 205 days. That is an absurd amount of time to decide the outcome of a student’s academic misconduct. By the time it is settled, the student could have already finished one semester and been well on his or her way to completing another. At this point, I think it is unfair to give the student a consequence like being expelled from the school because they have already dedicated much of their time to another semester’s course load. After examining and evaluating The University of North Florida’s Academic Integrity Code, I have concluded that its strengths far outweigh its weaknesses. I could only find one weakness in the document whereas I was able to locate many strengths. Also, after further review, even though the process of appealing can take up to 205 days; it is unlikely that this will occur. I concur that this code is a very effective source without any significant biases, and should be referred to frequently by all UNF students and faculty members in order to maintain an effective learning environment. Works Cited Education, (n. d. ). Academic integrity code and academic misconduct policies. Retrieved from The University of North Florida website: http://www. unf. edu/uploadedFiles/aa/enrollment/onestop/registrar/MisconductPolicy. pdf How to cite Administrative Management Critical Analysis, Essay examples

Monday, May 4, 2020

Poetic Inspiration Essay Example For Students

Poetic Inspiration Essay In Keats Ode to a Nightingale and Shelleys Ode to the West Wind both poets show much inspiration within their poetry. The bird in Ode to a Nightingale represents a supernatural being conjured up by the speaker. The wind in Ode to the West Wind inspires the speaker while serving as a destroyer and preserver. In the poem, Ode to a Nightingale the reader sees that the poet draws his inspiration through hemlock which the poet had drunk and some kind of opiate. The poet speaks about dying from the consumption of some type of poisonous drink in stanza two. The speaker wants to, Fade far away, dissolve, and quite forget / What thou among the leaves has never known (21-22). He doesnt seem to have much respect for or admiration of the world. The speaker cites all of the bad aspects of life and the world which inspire him to contemplate suicide. This idea of death and suicide is further displayed through the quote in stanza six : I have been half in love with easeful Death,Now more than ever seems it rich to die, To cease upon the midnight with no pain, While thou art pouring forth thy soul abroadIn such an ecstasy (52-58).The readers contemplation of suicide is thoroughly depicted through this quote. The reader is actually thinking these thoughts because he realizes that the beautiful birds songs only occur through death because the bird is immortal and with the immortal bird comes the immortal song. He shows his admiration for the bird when he speaks of the birds past experiences. He is greatly inspired by the bird and this is the reason for this poem, but in the last stanza he returns to reality and back to his sole self. He no longer wants to die and hear this immortal song sung by the bird which he once longed to experience. In Ode to the West Wind, the reader sees yet another poet inspired by something that has caught the speakers attention. Bibliography: