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Administrative Management Critical Analysis Free Essays

Adam Bartoshesky November 17, 2012 MAN 3025 Writing Assignment #4 Critical Analysis The University of North Florida’s Academic Integrity Code gives students and faculty members in-depth descriptions of what exactly the code is, the ways in which the code can be broken, and the actions and consequences which result from breaking it. The code’s purpose is, â€Å"to protect the integrity of the teaching and learning process† (â€Å"Academic integrity code,†). This document lacks a persuasive tone and thus is essentially free from any biases. We will write a custom essay sample on Administrative Management Critical Analysis or any similar topic only for you Order Now It uses strong language and concision in order to outline what students and faculty members should do in an instance of academic dishonesty. The code’s unbiased nature and clarity combine to make it a reliable document that can be referred to by both UNF students and faculty members in order to maintain foster learning. UNF’s Academic Integrity Code’s strengths are its detail and clarity, its openness, and its good intentions. It is impossible for the document to better explain the overall process of cheating, how it is handled, and the appeal process. Another strong point of the code is that it gives the student’s teacher freedom in how they want to handle the situation. There are five different forms of apprehension listed in the code that the teacher can choose from which range in seriousness. The teacher can do anything from lower the student’s grade for the single exercise they broke the academic code on, to giving the student an unforgivable ‘F’ for the course. It is evident that a third strength of the document is that its sole purpose is to create a better teaching and learning environment. UNF has not established this code in order to reprimand students, but rather to enhance their education by clearly stating what they should avoid while enrolled at UNF. Although the Academic Integrity Code has many strengths, it also has weakness. The main weakness that I located in the code is that the overall process of reprimanding and appealing academic dishonesty can be time consuming. There are numerous steps that each have an allotted amount of days to be completed. Also read: Advantages and Disadvantages of Administrative Management These steps include the student appealing the teacher’s initial actions, and then waiting for a new faculty member to review it and come to a new conclusion; in which case the student can appeal it once more. This process can continue up the UNF administration hierarchy until the case finally reaches the UNF President. The president has the final say in the matter. If each step is taken and the maximum amount of days to complete each step is used, the case can be under review for 205 days. That is an absurd amount of time to decide the outcome of a student’s academic misconduct. By the time it is settled, the student could have already finished one semester and been well on his or her way to completing another. At this point, I think it is unfair to give the student a consequence like being expelled from the school because they have already dedicated much of their time to another semester’s course load. After examining and evaluating The University of North Florida’s Academic Integrity Code, I have concluded that its strengths far outweigh its weaknesses. I could only find one weakness in the document whereas I was able to locate many strengths. Also, after further review, even though the process of appealing can take up to 205 days; it is unlikely that this will occur. I concur that this code is a very effective source without any significant biases, and should be referred to frequently by all UNF students and faculty members in order to maintain an effective learning environment. Works Cited Education, (n. d. ). Academic integrity code and academic misconduct policies. Retrieved from The University of North Florida website: http://www. unf. edu/uploadedFiles/aa/enrollment/onestop/registrar/MisconductPolicy. pdf How to cite Administrative Management Critical Analysis, Essay examples

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